Boutique Air Travel Adventure | Africa - IAQAZ
USD 155,000,000
Spent so far: USD 2,000,000
Can spend more: Yes
Airports Aviation Leisure/Recreation Transport/Distribution/Warehousing
Assured repayment by: Operations & Management Agreement | Other Off-Take Agreement
Submission Ready Indicators:
LTV Expectation: 70%
Land/Site: Will be contributed on closing
EPC Contracts: Draft form
PPA/OMA or other off-take agreements: Draft form
Financial Projections: Completed and available
Most PFX listed opportunities qualify for A+-rated Insurance Wrap
USD | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 |
Turnover | 58,674,797 |
125,579,186 |
131,289,469 |
134,910,755 |
138,145,101 |
EBITDA | 27,090,081 |
79,342,654 |
84,932,465 |
88,299,919 |
90,861,367 |
% | 47.11 |
64.47 |
66.01 |
66.79 |
67.11 |
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