Investment, Origination and Portfolio Chiefs...

Adding PFX to your deal origination team enables you to cut through the market ‘noise’ to identify, connect and engage with project finance opportunities matching your specific pre-set preferences.

All have off-take, PPA and similar agreements and/or credible feasibility studies against which lending can be underwritten, thereby meeting the fundamental tenets of the unique project finance structure. All meet our stringent, benchmark 'Submission Ready' standards.  We know that only you and your investment counterparties can say when a project is 'Shovel Ready'.

Registering as a PFX investor is a simple matter of providing some basic information about your firm or fund, and a senior executive from our seasoned Investor Liaison (IL) team will call to discuss your investment preferences in detail with you.

Investor Project Origination

You will be notified of exclusive opportunities matching your preferences with an Elevator Pitch. If you are interested you are then provided with the full Executive Summary and link to the project's data-room.  Only one PFX registered investor is notified at a time, ensuring you are not being 'played off' against others.    

Please note that all investors are subject to our due diligence in order to ensure that our investor community is kept free of advance fee and other fraudsters.  You will also be asked to read and acknowledge our AML Statement.

What our investors are telling us:

“…you’ve brought a new performance level to the intermediary market which others would do well to follow. A breath of fresh air.”
Private Debt/Equity Fund | London

“The diligence with which you prepare submissions goes far above and beyond our experience with any other introducer. This also applies to the mediation you provide between us and your project principals.”
Capital/Asset Manager | USA

“We have no hesitation in reviewing submissions from PFX. They are always top quality and meet our investment preferences.  From Exec Summary to data-room you have established formats, SOP’s and standards that should be a benchmark for the whole industry."
Alternative Investment Fund | Switzerland 

Next step, please click the green button below for further information and the registration page.