Poultry Farm | Maldives - RACNMI

The company is embarking on a groundbreaking endeavour – first poultry project in the Maldives archipelago. This visionary initiative seeks to enhance food security, promote self-sufficiency, for the local population. The project’s primary objective is to establish a sustainable and modern poultry farm within the unique constraints of the Maldivian geography. The Objective of the project was to create Food Security by reducing Maldives’ dependence on poultry imports and strengthen its food security by producing high-quality, locally sourced poultry products. The project prioritizes sustainable practices, incorporating renewable energy sources, minimizing waste, and adhering to international standards of animal welfare. The project will achieve this through introducing state-of-the-art poultry farms and processing units, ensuring optimal conditions for chicken rearing and product quality. For a Sustainable Business model, this project aims to supply poultry products not only locally but also to neighbouring regions including MENA, South East Asia contributing to regional trade and economic growth. To protect its Investments and Business Rights, the project has been granted concessions which has created deep MOAT, thereby creating a unique monopolistic situation for 07 years from the start of production. This includes Exclusivity for 07 years, waivers of all import -export duties and imposition of trade tariffs on all imports of Poultry products on commencement of sales. This inaugural poultry project in Maldives is poised to transform the nation’s food landscape, and at the same time create a self-sustained business model with ability to generate profits and value for its shareholders.
USD Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
 1 145,05 000
 2 923,54 000
 3 304,21 000
 3 477,29 000
 3 970,30 000
 62,78 000
 132,23 000
 227,49 000
 261,50 000
 307,63 000
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