Assisted Special Needs Center | Daytona, Florida - CHCM
USD 22,800,000
Spent so far: USD 11,500,000
Can spend more: No
Care Homes Clinics/Hospitals Senior Living
Assured repayment by: Independent and credible feasibility study
Submission Ready Indicators:
LTV Expectation: 75%
Land/Site: Sale/lease agreed
EPC Contracts: Completed awaiting signature
PPA/OMA or other off-take agreements: Signed
Financial Projections: Completed and available
Most PFX listed opportunities qualify for A+-rated Insurance Wrap
USD | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 |
Turnover | 6,565,076 |
11,412,533 |
11,725,895 |
12,076,051 |
12,436,713 |
EBITDA | 0 |
2,715,928 |
2,879,736 |
3,680,136 |
3,841,504 |
% | 0 |
23.8 |
24.56 |
30.47 |
30.89 |
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